Virtual Voicemail Services Effortlessly manage voicemail, anytime, anywhere
Never miss another opportunity. Rely on Ringover’s intuitive voicemail system to seamlessly access and manage voice messages across devices.
What is virtual voicemail?
Ringover’s cloud-based virtual voicemail system makes it easier than ever for businesses to stay up-to-date with outstanding voice messages. Say goodbye to dialing a voicemail phone number to retrieve your messages—simply press play for quick listening.
Virtual voicemail gives your teams everything they need to stay connected to customers while working remotely. Access voice messages on any device with robust cross-platform support and premium features like voicemail to email.
Bringing new functionality to a time-tested feature
Access voicemails, manage settings, and personalize greetings—all with the touch of a button.
Keep track of messages without the hassle
Don’t worry about dialing—review your voicemail inbox in seconds. Instantly respond to messages no matter where you’re located and what device you’re using.
Impress callers with a professional greeting
Make a lasting first impression on customers and clients with a professional greeting tailored to types of callers. Upload different greetings for different numbers.

Follow up as fast as possible
Save time with an intuitive interface. Seamlessly forward voice messages to your team for quick handling. Respond faster, make more sales, and maximize productivity.
Empower remote teams
Give remote workers everything they need to stay on top of voicemails while out of the office with a robust and user-friendly voicemail system that supports any Ringover-connected device.

Scale on your terms
Adopt a voicemail system that grows alongside your business. Instantly meet greater demand with a virtual voicemail system that does the heavy lifting for you.

Make life easier with Ringover’s all‑in‑one voicemail system

Cross-Platform Support
Access your virtual voicemail system from any Ringover-enabled device or app, including your desk phone, email, online account, desktop app, or mobile device.

Custom Greetings
Impress every caller with a personalized recording. Customize greetings according to your personal availability, business hours, or a temporary message of your choice.

Voicemail to Email
Streamline your responsibilities by sending voice messages directly to your inbox. Instantly review and respond to outstanding voicemails with real-time notifications.

Voicemail to Text (Coming Soon)
Save time, follow up quickly, and forward messages to colleagues in an instant by automatically converting voice messages to SMS texts. Experience unparalleled convenience with Ringover.
Voicemail System FAQs
- Will voicemail cost me more?
- How do I access my voicemail?
- What is voicemail to email?
- Why do I need custom voicemail greetings?
Will voicemail cost me more?
No. There are no additional charges for your virtual voicemail system.
How do I access my voicemail?
Ringover’s cloud-based voicemail system makes it easy for you to check your voice messages from anywhere, on any device. All messages are stored in the cloud, allowing you to access them whenever you want through your desk phone, online account, Ringover app, or email.
What is voicemail to email?
Voicemail to email is a feature of Ringover’s cloud-based virtual voicemail system that automatically forwards voice messages to a user’s chosen email address the moment they are received. Real-time notifications and audio file attachments make it easy for users to keep track of any outstanding messages.
Why do I need custom voicemail greetings?
Ringover allows users to record personalized messages for customers and clients based on the type of caller. Create the experience you want with a professionally recorded message that tells callers all the information they’re looking for, including key details such as your hours of operation, directions to your office, or answers to any frequently asked questions. Record messages in over 16 different languages.